Sunday, April 5, 2009

Weekend of Curling

Talk about yin and yang, last weekends curling was a disaster and this weekend it redeemed itself. The Mixed Wind Up is a super fun bonspiel and really well organized. The bonspiel started Friday night with dinner at 5 and our first game at 6PM. We played against, the McHugh team (Margeaux's team) and they pretty much handed us our asses. Not that we played poorly or anything we just could not get the closest rock to the button, sometimes it just goes like that; they one pointed us to death.

I found myself in a bit of an odd position though; Loafy was playing on the sheet next to us and so she and I were chatting a bit while playing. She pointed out to me that the skip on the opposing team (Margeaux's team) was not releasing his rock before the hog line. I had not been paying much attention as that does not happen often. Most people I've played against release well before the hog line. Anyway, that got me to start watching him and sure enough it appeared as though he held onto the rock and released it after the rock crossed the hog line. Loafy saw it twice and I saw it once so I mentioned it to my team mates thinking it should be something the skip of my team addressed.

During the Women's 5 and Under in March the opposing team thought that I held my rock past the hog line and said something to my skip who in turn mentioned it to me, so I made sure that it did not happen.

I don't think Bob (our skip) said anything to him and I wasn't sure how to address it so I just left it alone but it did make the game a little less fun. Their skip made a lot of really good shots and I had a hard time not thinking that they should not count because he was crossing the hog line before releasing. I finally just gave up watching him shoot. Aside from that it was a fun game and as I've learned this year it put us into the bracket that we should be in for the rest of the bonspiel.

Saturday morning started at 8:15 with a game against team Albers; Loafy's and Nancee's team! YAY, what a fun way to start the morning. It was a fun back and forth game with it coming down to skip's rocks. They won! We had a nice break of about an hour then back on the ice for our second game of the day against team Johnson (Rebecca's team). Another fun close game and this time we won! YAY now onto game three.

At 3:30 we went up against team Strack (Muffy's team) the winner of this game goes onto play in the 4th event! The way things were shaping up if we win and if team Albers wins we could meet them again in the 4th event. Tada! We won! YAY onto the 4th event at 5:30. Fortunately a couple games went a little longer which gave us about 20 minutes to relax before the final events were to be played.

At 5:45 we took to the ice against team Weber; I didn't know anyone on this team but Nancee and Lisa had played against them and lost so I wasn't sure how we would fair. The final events were supposed to be 8 end games but most teams had decided to play only 6 ends or less. I wanted to play 8 but was out voted so the plan was to play only 6 ends. Afterwards I was glad for it as I was seriously hungry. The first two ends were fine but the 3rd end was a disaster they scored 4 on us. Oops, how are we coming back from that with only 3 more ends to play. Well we did it! The game was tied to start the 6th end and they had the hammer. Clay had been skipping this game and he really stepped up to the plate with a fantastic shot! He promoted one of our rocks to the button with a whole lot of guards in front of it. The Weber skip tried her best with her final rock but was unable to put a rock in the house.

We won the 4th event! What a great way to end the season.

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