Saturday, December 1, 2007

Adventures with a Ceiling Fan

No more putting it off, the ceiling fan went up today. The process was not hard however Mike and I, well actually Mike did it I just went along with it, hooked the wrong wires together. Talk about SPARKS flying!!!!!!! wooohoooo. Needless to say we had to rewire it. It's all better now.

Lets see... Tuesday I curled on the Abraham team with Courtney, Dave and Barni, we kicked some butt!! The team we played against were all men who have competed in the Nationals. It was a lot of fun. 

Wednesday was supposed to be my stay at home doing laundry night but Mike decided we should work on the bathroom so we got the toilet and sink out and I had to put new shut off valves on the sink, the old ones were no longer working. We were unable to find a toilet and sink that we liked so now there is nothing in that bathroom. Rhory called and I met her out for a cold and frosty one. It was good to see her we had not talked for quite a while. It turned out to be another late night and no laundry was done.

Thursday responsibility kicked in and I did my laundry and cleaned the house whew!

Friday was curling night again. My team played against Amy's team and we were once again victorious! I think we have won our last three games. Cheryl, her girlfriend Dee, Amy and I stayed until they had the drawing for the Winter Carnival Bonspiel. My team had entered the drawing. We were the last team pulled so we are in the bonspiel. The Winter Carnival bonspiel is a big deal, people from all over come to get into the spiel. The theme this year is "once upon a time" so I guess we need to dress up as a story or something. Another late night.

The weather outside is frightful but the snow is so delightful, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....... We already have about 5 inches of snow on the ground and there is no sign of it stopping. I say "bring it!" I cannot wait to get out on the slopes. Maybe I need to play hooky this week and go skiing.

Boring as it may be, that's my week..


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