Saturday, December 15, 2007

about froze my ass

Thursday night ski lessons and it was cold as a witches you know what! The instructor was late so we had to stand around in the cold waiting for him. BRRRRRRRR! The lesson was good, he gave me some good advice for my turns. 

Wednesday night I curled on a team as a sub. Met new people it was fun. I ran into an old friend from 'back in the day" I had not seen her in about 15 years. I did not even know she curled at the club and here she has been curling for years. It was great catching up on things.

My Friday night team kicked some butt! I did not have my best game but I did alright, the ice was really fast. Val and Tara came by the club we had a beer together then went to Fabulous Ferns for a couple more drinks and popcorn.

Today I worked on the upstairs bathroom most of the day in addition to doing my laundry. This bathroom project has taken on a life of it's own. Every time I think I am getting close to being done, I decide to do something else. Today I waxed the floor thinking it would be easier now with everything taken out of the bathroom.

That's my big exciting life!

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