Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When a Facebook Friend Dies

What do you do? 

This weekend a friend of mine died. He's actually a good friend of my brothers but over the years we gotten to know each other and I consider him a friend. You know how it is when your brother/sister is friends with someone you also get to know that person. Mike and I are close and we share a number of mutual friends. 

I found out yesterday that Luke died over the weekend. They are still waiting to find out what happened. When he didn't show up for a meeting and his phone went unanswered people started to worry. They went to his place and knocked on the door, no answer. They were finally able to get into his apartment yesterday and found him dead. There is talk of suicide or a drug over dose. He had recently been struggling with Meth. It's really sad, he was only 34 years old. I've been thinking about him ever since I heard the news.

I spent today thinking, what if? what if I died today, tomorrow, next week? I'm not ready to die, I have a messy house. I've never been afraid to die; I just am not ready for it. I keep thinking I need to get things taken care of "just in case." I need to finish painting my house, cut the grass, I have laundry to do, bills to pay and stuff to do. I need to write my will. I wonder did Luke decide to die, did he know it was going to happen? Did he plan it? Did he kill himself? or was is an accident? 

The weird thing is that I found out about his death on Facebook. Other friends had posted information in their status updates. I called my brother to find out the details and that's how I learned that they don't know what happened. Luke is still a friend of mine on Facebook, what do I do now? It doesn't seem right to delete him but I know he's not going to be posting any status updates, at least I don't think he will. Wouldn't that be freaky? I don't know I guess having him on there makes it seem like it isn't real. I mean people on the Internet don't seem real anyway. I think I'll just leave it alone for a while. 

Rest in peace Luke...

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