Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fat People

I'm having an issue with something that happened yesterday. Rhory was leaving for work and discovered that her front tire was flat. She called AAA to have it fixed. I gave her a drive to work and went back home. I was at home when the AAA person showed up to change the tire. He rang the doorbell and asked if I had a key to move the truck. He claimed he could not change the tire without moving it forward in front of the driveway. I looked for a key and brought one out to see if it worked. It was not the right key. The man claimed he could not change the tire without moving the truck; I'm looking at the truck and wondering why? I could change the tire without moving the truck. Then I realized... this guy was too fat to change the tire. He was out of breath from walking to the house and ringing the doorbell then walking back to the street where the truck was parked. He was at least 350 most likely 400 pounds! He couldn't change the tire because he couldn't fit. The truck was about 18 inches from the curb, plenty of room to change the tire. He left saying that Rhory would have to call and reschedule! 

I picked Rhory up from work and she then called AAA again to reschedule. About an hour later another person showed up. Guess what??? He did NOT have to move the truck to change the tire. He had no trouble changing the tire right where the truck was located. 

I try hard not to judge people but seriously if you are too fat to do your job you need to either lose weight or find another line of business.

Maybe I'm just mad. I had a really dear friend of mine die a few years back. Miss Marly was one of my dearest most treasured friends, she was one of those rare people you meet in your life that brings so much happiness and joy to your life. I still hear her laughter, I still think about her all the time. Marly was obese and she had a lot of health issues because of it. She died in her sleep. We'll never know why she died, her religion forbid an autopsy. Her partner, Kathy woke up in the middle of the night to discover that Marly was not moving, she could not move Marly from the bed to the floor to perform any life saving procedures. Kathy tried desperately to save Marly, but we believe she was already gone. I'm still mad at Marly for dying, Kathy is still mad at Marly for dying. 

Ever since Marly died I've viewed obese people differently. I know I shouldn't but all I can think about is what if something happens, nobody can save you. I've had nightmares about losing someone because they are too fat and I can't save them. It's crazy I know but it's how I feel. 

We need to start recognizing unhealthy eating habits and do something about it. What you put into your body is under your control. I don't know how people get so fat but our society for some reason averts their eyes to it. We've forbidden smoking in buildings, our government has made laws against it and forced those laws onto private businesses. We outlaw drugs, limit alcohol to over 21 years old. But we do nothing to fix the obesity rate in our country. Sure there are stories written about it, but really what does anyone do? What can I do?

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