Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today's word is brought to us by William Gibson in his book "Spook Country."

I've heard this word before but reading it today made me giggle, I just love it! Today's word is Wonky! It still makes me giggle, it may be my new favorite word. WONKY! OK, settle down. Calming...
WONKY! hee hee,

Now for the definitions...

Urban Dictionary:
weird, whacked out, messed up, not working for no definable reason. Usually applied to technology. This is one of my favorite places to look up words.

Merriam-Webster (online):
Pronunciation: \ˈwäŋ-kē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): won·ki·er; won·ki·est
Etymology: probably alteration of English dial. wankle, from Middle English wankel, from Old English wancol; akin to Old High German wankōn to totter — more at wench
Date: 1918

1 British : unsteady, shaky
2 chiefly British : awry, wrong

The free dictionary online:

wonky [ˈwɒŋkɪ]adj -kier, -kiest Brit informal

1. shaky or unsteady
2. not in correct alignment; askew
3. liable to break down or develop a fault

If you've never read William Gibson books and you're into computers, the Internet, cyberspace, GPS whatever, I highly recommend picking up one of this books. I've read most all of them and I'm always amazed by his ability to write and create his world.

Here's a blurb from the book cover:

"A writer who can conjure the numinous out the the quotidian." - The Washington Post Book World.

"William Gibson can craft sentences of uncanny beauty, and is our great poet of crowds." - San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle

"Gibson has a bone-dry wit, and an insistence that the technology we create will inevitably evolve beyond us." - Entertainment Weekly


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