Friday, May 7, 2010

How to eat an elephant...

one bite at a time. 

Yesterday my work spouse and I were chatting about a mutual friend and some trouble she's having. We've both listened to her and tried to be sympathetic but sorry, my sympathy only goes so far then you need to buck up, take responsibility for your life and deal with it. 

Anyway, while we were chatting I made the statement "how do you eat and elephant?" "one bite at a time." I must have subconciously needed to hear that myself for as soon as I said it I knew that was advice I needed to take myself. For the past several weeks I've had way too much on my plate and I can't seem to get anything done. My job, my union work, my house and the people in my life have been so demanding that at one point I was so overwhelmed I had to just stop and walk away. So today I'm taking the first bite out of that elephant. The weather has made a number of decisions for me so I don't have to. 

My first step is to write everything down, take it out of my head and put it in writing. There is a certain someone who has been in my head for the past several months and she needs to get out so I plan to address that this week. Hopefully I'll see her on Saturday and if not then for sure on Sunday. One way or another I'm going to deal with the reality of that situation. 

The next step is to break down those chores and things-to-do and make them into small bites. I'm going to reward myself after every 10 items I cross of my list. And I'm going to start saying "no" to people. 

Look out elephant I'm going to take a big bite out of your ass this weekend!

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