Sunday, May 30, 2010


I've never been accused of being a fashion plate so take this shoe recommendation with a grain of salt. I picked up a pair of Okabashi sandals at my local Menards store this afternoon. I'm big on buying American and these sandals caught my eye and they're made in the USA, Buford, Georgia to be exact. I went to their website and now I like them even more. Check out this quick video about the Okabashi shoes and their recycling program:

Made in the USA and recyclable? I'm sold.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Proof is in the Online Quiz

I'm happy to report that I am NOT a Narcissist, whew I can hardly even spell the word. It would be a bitch if I were and I had to write that on a form. Anyway, as I was saying; I'm not a narcissist and I took the online quiz to prove it! If you'd like to find out if you're a narcissist click the link below and take the quiz:

Average score is between 12 and 15
Celebrities score 18
Narcissist score 20

I scored 6!!! not sure what that means but I know I'm not a narcissist, I did however date one a few years back.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bird Washing Machine

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this but 7 minutes compared to 2 hours seems like a better deal. More birds can be cleaned and they are back home in a shorter period of time. My preference would be not spilling the oil in the first place but until we get over our dependence on oil I don't see that happening any time soon. 

Check out this video and let me know what you think...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today's word is brought to us by William Gibson in his book "Spook Country."

I've heard this word before but reading it today made me giggle, I just love it! Today's word is Wonky! It still makes me giggle, it may be my new favorite word. WONKY! OK, settle down. Calming...
WONKY! hee hee,

Now for the definitions...

Urban Dictionary:
weird, whacked out, messed up, not working for no definable reason. Usually applied to technology. This is one of my favorite places to look up words.

Merriam-Webster (online):
Pronunciation: \ˈwäŋ-kē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): won·ki·er; won·ki·est
Etymology: probably alteration of English dial. wankle, from Middle English wankel, from Old English wancol; akin to Old High German wankōn to totter — more at wench
Date: 1918

1 British : unsteady, shaky
2 chiefly British : awry, wrong

The free dictionary online:

wonky [ˈwɒŋkɪ]adj -kier, -kiest Brit informal

1. shaky or unsteady
2. not in correct alignment; askew
3. liable to break down or develop a fault

If you've never read William Gibson books and you're into computers, the Internet, cyberspace, GPS whatever, I highly recommend picking up one of this books. I've read most all of them and I'm always amazed by his ability to write and create his world.

Here's a blurb from the book cover:

"A writer who can conjure the numinous out the the quotidian." - The Washington Post Book World.

"William Gibson can craft sentences of uncanny beauty, and is our great poet of crowds." - San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle

"Gibson has a bone-dry wit, and an insistence that the technology we create will inevitably evolve beyond us." - Entertainment Weekly


Friday, May 7, 2010

How to eat an elephant...

one bite at a time. 

Yesterday my work spouse and I were chatting about a mutual friend and some trouble she's having. We've both listened to her and tried to be sympathetic but sorry, my sympathy only goes so far then you need to buck up, take responsibility for your life and deal with it. 

Anyway, while we were chatting I made the statement "how do you eat and elephant?" "one bite at a time." I must have subconciously needed to hear that myself for as soon as I said it I knew that was advice I needed to take myself. For the past several weeks I've had way too much on my plate and I can't seem to get anything done. My job, my union work, my house and the people in my life have been so demanding that at one point I was so overwhelmed I had to just stop and walk away. So today I'm taking the first bite out of that elephant. The weather has made a number of decisions for me so I don't have to. 

My first step is to write everything down, take it out of my head and put it in writing. There is a certain someone who has been in my head for the past several months and she needs to get out so I plan to address that this week. Hopefully I'll see her on Saturday and if not then for sure on Sunday. One way or another I'm going to deal with the reality of that situation. 

The next step is to break down those chores and things-to-do and make them into small bites. I'm going to reward myself after every 10 items I cross of my list. And I'm going to start saying "no" to people. 

Look out elephant I'm going to take a big bite out of your ass this weekend!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Today's word brought to us by Patricia Cornwell and her book "Book of the Dead."

Oedipal: of, relating to, or resulting from the Oedipus complex.

What, do you ask, is the Oedipus complex? Well let's look that up too.

Oedipus complex: Greek mythological character. In Greek mythology Oedipus was the son of Laius and Jocasta, the king and queen of Thebes. Because at his birth an oracle had predicted that he would someday murder his father and marry his mother, Oedipus was abandoned by his parents, but he survived to maturity. Through a highly improbable series of circumstances, he fulfilled the prophecy: he unknowingly slew his father and later married his widowed mother, thereby succeeding his father to the throne. When the truth was eventually revealed to all, Jocasta committed suicide and Oedipus blinded himself.

Well now doesn't that sound lovely? 

In the book they were talking about one of the male characters and his obsession with an older female character.  If you're a fan of Patricia Cornwell and the Scarpetta series then you will probably like this book. I've read most all the the Cornwell books including the non-fiction one about Jack the Ripper and "Book of the Dead is about average for her books. I wouldn't recommend paying full price for it, find it at the library or a used book store. It's not worth full price.

When I read the word the first thing I thought of was Scrabble, I'm always looking for words for that game. I've started a little notebook with words I find in books and/or games I've played. I really like it that you can archive your previous games, it gives ya a chance to look at all the words that have been played. Funny how just like in crossword puzzles we repeat a lot of the same words. I'm still trying to figure out how someone can score over 3000 points in Scrabble, I haven't even broken 500 yet! 

Anyway, this brings me to something else I've been thinking about. I read a lot of books and have several friends who I trade with. What I've been thinking is that I'd like to start a book club. Not a regular run of the mill book club but one where we don't all read the same book at the same time, we meet maybe once a month and each person gives a review on the book they've most recently read. We each bring our book to the meeting and we can exchange with each other. Eventually we will all have read the books and can discuss what we think of them. The more I think of it, maybe it should be a book exchange group. We meet once a month, chat about books we've read or are reading and bring along books to exchange. We could also do brunch or something. Yeah, I'm liking this. I think I'll send out a message and see if I get any response. I'm thinking Friday mornings. I know a lot of people work on Fridays but I also know a lot of people who don't. Plus a number of friends are school teachers and they have the Summer off. It doesn't have to be the same group of people each month, just whoever can show up. Boy could I come up with an eclectic group of book readers.  

The Friday Book Brunch, I like the sound of it...