Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just Realized...

It's been over a month since I've written anything. I'll blame it on Jake, he's my new dog. A trouble makin' Puggle; if he wasn't so cute the job of training him would be much easier. I got Jake from my cousin back in June, I'm his third owner and he has not had much for training and the little he has received has not been consistant. He's pretty good with sit and lay down but getting him to come to me when I call his name is a challenge. One would think he were deaf or something. He does not play fetch but loves it if you chase him around the yard. I'm not one for chasing a dog so we are working on other games. He loves to take my shoes and/or socks and run off with them. If I give chase he is in heaven so I've learned to distract him with something else, trade a toy for my shoe/sock. Does that mean he's training me?

I spent the last two days well if you count today three days dealing with him being sick. Seriously sick. Jake loves finding things in the backyard and chewing on them. I have know idea what he got into but he started puking Friday night. Jake is normally full of energy and driving me crazy. Friday evening he was sleeping pretty early and I thought I had finally figured out how to tire him out, don't let him take any naps during the day but I guess that wasn't it, he was sick. Jake continued being sick most of Saturday; I'm not going go into the gross details but let's say there was blood involved so I took him to the emergency animal clinic. Fortunately there is one close to my house. I called them ahead of time so I did not have to wait as long as some people but even so I was there for about 3 hours. They took x-rays to be sure he did not have a blockage then ran a series of blood and urine tests. Around 6 pm last night it was decided that he would stay over night at the clinic so they could hydrate him and administer some anti puke drugs and antibiotics. I picked him up this morning around 5 AM and he's been feeling pretty good. I have a couple medications I need to give him and he's on a "bland" diet for the rest of the week. So far today he has kept down his food. His energy is slowly coming back. They could not find out what was wrong with him, guessing it was something he ate.

Aside from Jake entering my life not a lot else has changed. I'm spending a lot of time at home which was on my game plan for this year. Trying to save money and complete some of my house projects. I've made contact with some old friends and it's been fun catching up with them.

I started playing Bocce ball on Sunday evenings, it's been a lot of fun and I've made some new friends. The league I'm playing in is not competitive at all, just a group of people out having fun. Just the kind of sport I like.

That's all folks...

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