Friday, July 31, 2009

Gluten Free

It has been suggested that Val try a gluten free diet. She has a couple audio-immune issues. Well, in support of my pal I've started checking out; first what the hell is gluten and how do you cut it out of your diet. Let me tell ya, gluten is in lots of stuff! The first thing I did was "google" it, what is gluten? I found this wonderful blog Gluten Free Girl; she explained everything. I learned more than I really wanted to know about gluten.

Another blog I stumbled upon was Fat Free Vegan; and being a vegetarian this one was right up my alley.

After reading various blogs and websites I realized I don't have a ton of gluten in my diet. When I turned 40 I put myself on a pretty strict diet in order to dump 25 pounds. The first things to go were bread, pasta and beer. I've kept the bread and pasta to a minimum, Lord knows I'm not giving up my beer forever. One thing that surprised me was the gluten in veggie burgers. I'm now going to attempt to make my own veggie burgers, this has been on my "to do" list for a long time and I think this is a great time to cross that off my list. It will save me money and I'll eat healthier.

I spent the last hour cruising recipes, now I'll need to find guinea pigs to help me taste est them. I have a list made and I'm off to the market...

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