Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I have had several conversations about sexuality this past week. Maybe it's the weather, it gets cold outside and people start thinking of ways to stay warm and one of the best ways is having someone to cuddle up next to, a little friction under the sheet. Maybe it's that in most of the places I hang, I'm the token lesbian and people find it easier to talk about sex with us gays. Who knows? It could be the recent elections and the outcome of some State amendments. One thing I do know is we all have our opinions about it. 

I have my views on the topic but thought I would "google it" and see what others think. The Ancient Egyptians had the right idea, if it feels good do, no guilt. There is a book on google; Sexuality by Joseph Bristow, if you have the time give it a read. There is a sexuality blog on about.com and I may actually add this to my list of blogs to read. I also found the National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC). It seems to me that the common thread in all of these is sex, how we do it, who we do it with and how to stay healthy while doing it. 

I've always thought of sexuality as something more than my sex life, it's like a way of life. I realized my sexuality at a fairly young age at least for people my age. Nowadays people are "coming out" at much younger ages. Maybe if I had been exposed to gay people or if it was even talked about I would have come out earlier. I know it sure could have saved me a lot of headaches if I had known what I was going through and that it was OK. In any case I was in my early twenties when I discovered I like girls better than boys. I wonder sometimes if I had never met a lesbian, would I be gay? If I had never had sex with a woman would I be gay? I believe the answer would be yes. I knew at a very young age that I was different, that I like girls better than boys but I didn't know what it was all about. And therein lies my theory of sexuality, that it is a part of who you are, an identification, not who you are having sex with or how you're doing it. 

I'm a gay homosexual lesbian, I prefer sex with women, I prefer relationships with women, I prefer women over men, except at work or when I have to lift heavy things then I prefer men folk. That is not to say I could not enjoy sex with a dude, sex is sex, what difference would having sex with a man be than picking some woman up in a bar and having anonymous sex? It really does not matter who the person is, it's about the sex. Which brings me to the bi-sexuals, frankly I do not believe anyone is bi-sexual, I believe people have a preference. In my experience, most women who say they are bi-sexual are really straight and like to dabble with girl on girl sex. Most men on the other hand who say they are bi-sexual are really gay. And then you have the guys "on the down low" as long as they are packin' the pooper it's not gay sex. 

I guess I'll do a little more reading on the subject, being AGA-sexual (Ain't Gettin' Any) at the moment, I have plenty of time on my hands. 

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