Sunday, November 30, 2008

Makin out on the shuttle

This weekend was the Fireball 500 bonspiel and I was lucky enough to be a part of it. Margeaux asked me to play lead on her team. This was a great opportunity for me to play with a competitive team. Our first game was Friday night at 5 pm against team Rheaume. We scored one in the first end, they scored two in the second and we were able to score 5 in the third end which sealed our victory, we shook hands after the 6th end. 

Friday night we were treated to a steak fry (a portabella mushroom was supplied for non-meat eaters) along with salad, potatoes and green beans. A very good meal. Free beer, soda and shots of Fireball. If you haven't tried Fireball I highly recommend it. There was a live band Friday night. I did not stay out too late, I think I was home by about 11:30. 

Saturday I got to the club around 8:30 for "eye-openers" and breakfast. We were on the ice at 9 for game two against team Robinson. I don't remember the final score but we shook hands again after 6 ends, I think they only scored one or two points. Our next game was not until 3 pm so after having some lunch at the club I headed back home for a while. 

Game three was against team Faltesek and unfortunately we did not win which ended our playing. Team Faltesek played a flawless game, I don't think they missed a shot and well we missed a couple. In any case it was a fun game. After having the required shots of Fireball and cold beers I went home to shower and change for the pub crawl. Everyone met at the Kelly Inn for drinks, appetizers and the raffle drawings, from there we hopped on shuttles to the Eagle Street bar and grille in downtown St. Paul. More food and free drinks! We spent quite a long time there, then back on the shuttles and off to Plums. Plums was packed! Lots of people, more drinks, more shots but no food at this stop. 

Ok, so here's the makin' out on the shuttle part. Mark and I sat next to each other on the shuttle bus ride from Plums to the Wild Onion. Sitting in front of us was a man and a woman, I don't know either one of them but they were going at it. I could not help myself, I had to make a comment. Mark joined in and apparently we pissed them off quite a bit. I don't remember if it was Mark or myself that turned on the overhead light to shine down on top of them but they did not like that one bit. Hee, hee, hee, if you're going to make out on a shuttle bus full of curlers with someone that is NOT your husband and NOT your wife and you're married then too damn bad, don't get pissed at me when you get caught! Get a room!

Wild Onion was also a very busy bar, after several drinks I received a text message from my friend Loafy, asking if I wanted to go to Rumours to shake our butts. I explained where I was and what I was doing so she came over the the Wild Onion to rescue me. We stayed at the Wild Onion for a couple more drinks then headed back downtown to Rumours night club. We did some dancing, the bar was not very crowded and we pretty much had the dance floor to ourselves. After about an hour we decided to head to the Town House and check it out. I ran into my future ex-wife at the Town House. She is always fun to look at and have a chat with. Loafy and I danced until they closed the bar and kicked us out. What a fun night. I did not hit the sheets until after 3 AM, whew!

Sunday I was awake by 8:30 got the laundry started and tried to recovered from all of the free drinks. I went back to the club at noon to watch the final four events. Fun, fun, fun. 

I think I'll spend the next couple days recovering from this weekend. 

Friday, November 28, 2008

Finally, the little guy gets some recognition

I had to make a run to the grocery store today and was in a hurry, stopped by the new "green" Cub foods in the neighborhood. I usually grab the first parking spot available and cruise in but because I was in a hurry I drove up close to the store. I was pleasantly surprised by the prime parking spot I found and the posted sign:

"Low Emitting Fuel Efficient 30 mpg Parking Only"

Rock on compact 34 mpg Ford Focus! Love it!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Most people evaluate the past year around New Years Day. I find that Thanksgiving is the best time for me to look back at the past year. By the time I get to New Years Day I've already negotiated Christmas and New Years Eve celebrating and I'm in no condition to think about the past year. Thanksgiving works perfect; I'm already thinking about what I'm thankful for. 

This has been a bit of an odd year for me, I had goals that I accomplished and goals that I abandoned. A couple of the big goals for me were to work less and sleep more. I can say that I've completed both of those. I worked 40 hours or less each week and I'm up to about an average of 6 hours of sleep a night a far cry from 50 - 60 hours of work a week and 4 hours of sleep a night. I'm confident I can maintain my 40 hours or less a week, my paycheck does not like it but I do. I do not believe I can sleep more than 6 hours a night, even on my days off with no alarm clock I don't go past that; even the 6 hours is not a solid 6. 

I learned that if I'm going to spend my summer riding 100 to 150 miles a week on my bike I need to spend the winter doing house chores. It's November and I did not get all of my yard work done, nor did I finish some house projects and it can be directly contributed to spending my days on my bike. But hey, who can pass up a sunny day? Now I'm committed to finishing my indoor house projects before Spring. 

I have spent a lot of time taking a personal inventory and have worked hard on changing some of the things I don't like about myself. I still have some work to do but I'm heading in the right direction. I'm happy I remained single this year and did not get caught up in some affair I was not ready for. I've resolved my issues with my ex-girlfriend, the anger is gone, the tears have dried and I'm ready to move on. This was a hard one, I don't think I have ever been that angry with anyone in my entire life. I've never allowed anyone to get that close to me and I'm not sure I will let it happen again. I am grateful however for the experience and the lessons learned. 

I've resolved the problems I had with my mom, that too was difficult. I understand her position a little better and I know why I was so defensive. I've forgiven her for not standing up to my dad when he was a drunk. I've forgiven her for allowing me to take all the blame and getting my ass kicked on a regular basis. I've taken responsibility for my part in all of it. I've realized that it was not her fault, it was mine. I could have walked away, I could have hidden in my room like my brothers did, I could have backed down, I could have cried but I chose not to. Instead I chose to take the blame for whatever happened in the house because it was easier to take the hit than to watch the hit.  I think it's funny how I resolved the issues with my dad years ago and it took me this long to resolve them with my mom. Hell my dad was the asshole, he was the drunk, not my mom. She did everything to try to keep the peace. The biggest struggle I've had this year is dealing with the memories. 

When I walked out of my parent's house I took nothing with me and buried all of my memories. There were times when I did not have a place to sleep, when I did not have food, eating lettuce and yellow mustard. I remember the nasty one bedroom apartment I shared with two other people; because I was too proud to go home. I went to visit them just to see my brother Lawrence and when he died I learned to cry. I was 21. 

This past year the memories of my childhood have flooded into my consciousness. The anger, the frustration, the helplessness, I understand now why certain things bother me, why I have issues with trust, why I can get so anal about stuff. I understand why I was so damn angry with my mom. Having Mike living with me has helped a lot, he remembers so much more than I do. He has reminded me of things that happened. In some ways it's a relief, now I know why I am the way I am and now I can change it. I can take responsibility for it and do what needs to be done. 

Another goal I accomplished was to increase my circle of friends, find people that are healthier for me. I have a number of friends whom I've known forever that have some serious drug and alcohol issues. It's easy for me to fall into that trap. I will never turn my back on them but I no longer spend time with them. I've found some really super people and very much enjoy spending time with them. 

I'm still battling the 5 pounds I wanted to lose this year. I did get down to 135 around July but did not build up the muscle to replace it the way I wanted to. I'm back up to 140 again. Now that Mike is gone I can get my stuff set up in the basement and work out over the winter. I have a membership at a gym but can never seem to get myself to go. It's much easier to pop a movie in the DVD player and ride my bike on the trainer for an hour or so. I also have some weights and other equipment so I can get a pretty good workout without leaving home. I may even contact the personal trainer I had when I was lifting and see if she can help me set up a program. I don't want to go crazy with it but now that I'm on the downside of 40 and have a desk job I'm losing muscle rapidly. I'm putting this goal back on the top of the list for 2009, lose 5 pounds of fat and replace it with 5 pounds of muscle.  

I cut my caffeine intake in half, I haven't had a soda since February and cut my coffee down to only my morning cup (24 oz) then water the rest of the day. I need that morning caffeine to focus, when I try to go without it I cannot seem to keep myself from bouncing off the walls. I know it's weird but caffeine helps me to focus and calms me down. I think I'll leave this alone, I really don't believe coffee is bad for you. Everything in moderation. 

Financially I'm going into the New Year debt free, excluding the mortgage but I don't know if you can count that as debt. The asset of owning a home outweighs the debt in my book. I'm still saving for a new roof, every time I get close something seems to happen, the car breaks down, the dentist comes knocking, the dog gets sick, whatever. I'm one of the few people who does not buy into all the financial woes of our country. Hell Americans spent 6 billion dollars on Halloween and you're trying to convince me that we have a financial crisis, nope I'm not buying it. I have at least 20 years before I'll start pulling from my investments, they should be fine by then. And if not, I'll deal with it in 20 years. If I wake up tomorrow without a job I may change my mind about all of this. 

All in all I had a good year, my family is doing well, both of my parents are still here and I really did not think my dad would make it. I still have Sir Lashley, my faithful companion. I have lots of new friends and have maintained my old friendships. I'm heading into the New Year feeling good. 

My goals for the New Year are simple:
finish my inside house projects
try one new winter activity and one new summer activity
re-do the vegetable garden, move the compost bin
insulate the small garage
ride my bike to work more often
get rid of that 5 pounds of fat and add 5 pounds of muscle
paint the exterior of the house
spend more time with my family and friends
win the lottery


Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Taking work home with me

I don't usually take my work or issues that happen at work home with me but the past couple weeks have been taxing to say the least. I really like my job the trouble is I have more than one. Half my day is spent doing my maintenance control job and the other half is spent representing the maintenance craft as a union steward. I enjoy doing both, one feeds my need to be anal and organized the other feeds my love to research and debate (argue). The maintenance control job is cake, the easiest job I've had in my 24 years of service, as my co-worker Dave always says "and they pay us for this." After spending 21 years as a dock worker on the mail processing side, having someone watching you at all times and never getting the satisfaction of completing the job (the mail never stops), the work I do now is like a walk in the park on a Sunday afternoon. With that aside, my union work has been crazy. The Postal Service is in just as much financial troubles as every other company out there, quite possibly more. Therefore they are doing everything in their power to reduce the number of employees. Discipline has gone through the roof. 

Right now I'm representing a woman who was removed from service because of her disability! Can management do this? NO, but they did it and I've been tasked with getting her her job back. The woman has been off work since July and to top it off she is in the middle of a custody battle with her ex-husband. I'm sure the judge will look kindly on her as she has no job to support her kids. I put together a kick ass case,  I'm not going to go into all the details of the grievance process but last week I discussed the case with the PO representative. I laid the entire case out, and he had absolutely no argument, he could not counter one thing I said. Management has no case. We spent a good 45 minutes talking, discussing, arguing, and at the end of it he says "I'll consider it and get back to you on Monday." Fine!

Monday arrives........waiting......waiting...waiting...
finally at 1:30 in the afternoon he calls me and says "I'm denying the case." We talk a little longer, he says he will mail the denial letter along with management's argument. This is one of the most frustrating parts of being a union representative. I spend hours, days, weeks preparing a case and all management has to do is say "denied." Now the case will be docketed for arbitration, which will take months. In the mean time the woman is still out of work, no money, the holidays are coming up, the economy sucks so her chances of finding other work are slim to none. The thing that chaps my hide the most is that I know management does not have a case and they know they do not have a case but they would rather waste the time and money of going to arbitration. 

I guess my point in all of this is that last night I met some friends out for a beer and a couple games of pool. I am not a pool player, don't really like the game but they were playing when I arrived and I was put on a team. Fortunately I was on Val's team, Val is a very good pool player; we played against Tara and Marlayna. We lost three games in a row, Val was having an off night and I sucked. Tara and Marlayna were very happy which was good because they take the game much more serious than Val or myself. After we finished playing pool the four of us were drinking our beers and chatting. I'm not sure exactly what Tara said, I just remember how I reacted, very much out of character for me. I know I went on for a good 5 minutes before I caught myself and shut up. I know that it put a damper on the rest of the evening and we left shortly afterwards. This morning I sent off an apology to Tara and explained how my day had sucked. Tara was very understanding, no hard feelings. 

I hate when that happens, I'm frustrated and angry about one thing and it comes out on the people I care about. I guess it's natural and other people do it as well but I still don't like it. I'm usually really good about leaving my work at work and my home at home. I think I need a vacation.


The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. 

Monday, November 24, 2008


When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


If you change traffic lanes, the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).

Saturday, November 22, 2008


If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire. 


If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone always answers. 

Friday, November 21, 2008


The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sexuality 101

OMG I may have opened Pandora's box! This is crazy. The conversations about sexuality have not ended, and after the last hour I believe it will be the topic of conversation for a while longer. OK, so the other day I receive an email from a friend asking about "pansexual" had I ever heard of it? Nope, never have. So this leads me straight to google, Lord knows I google everything. I have read a lot about this word and I'm still not sure about the definition. Here are a couple:
The term pansexual generally is used for a person who does not classify their sexuality with a person's sex, but their gender. They believe there is a set difference between sex and gender - gender being the socially constructed condition of being male or female, and sex being the biological condition of male or female. HUH?

People who are pansexual may be attracted to various different forms of romance, and may be aroused by various different acts of sex on a carnal level. Some suggest that pansexuality is more accurately described by its adepts: human- or person- oriented. Despite a person who is pansexual's fluid sexuality, some may have a preference. A person who is pansexual may be attracted to all genders and sexes, but have a preference, (for example) for pre-operative transsexual people, other people who are pansexuals, masculine lesbians, intersexed people, etc. 

This definition is much more to the point: Opposite of asexual, asexual means you are not sexually attracted to anyone, whereas pansexual means you are sexually attracted to everyone. 

This search has lead me to so many other sexual orientations that I am truly overwhelmed. Who would have known? I've always thought I was pretty well versed in the sexuality subject but today is a day of eye opening experiences.  My new favorite site is the Urban dictionary, love it! Nearly all of the following definitions have come from the Urban dictionary so once you get on it you can just go from there. 

Here is a short list of sexual identifications I found, have fun! 
Intersexual, Paraphilias, montisexual, nitrosexual, metrosexual, ubersexual, logosexual, pomosexual, omnisexual, retrosexual, and trisexual. There are hundreds of ways a person could identify themselves. I'm going with pomosexual, I think I like that best. 

Oh there was one other thing I needed to look up...I'll have to do it later

Friday, November 14, 2008

Write a Check, Pay it Off Later

I've receive this type of mailing on a weekly basis and usually just toss them into my recycle pile. I don't bitch about it as it is revenue for the PO, we call it our bread 'n butter mail. It's really where the PO makes money. Anyway, as I was saying I receive them on a weekly basis but don't pay much attention. Today however the "Write a check now. Pay it off later" caught my attention. This is what has gotten our country into the bind it is in. The idea that I can get anything I want right now and worry about paying for it some other time. 

The mailing I received was from a credit card company I have an account with. It gives you the option of choosing how you want to postpone your payments. Use check numbers 6703 and 6704 to get a low promotional 0.99% fixed annual percentage rate (APR) until your 05/2009 statement opening date. Or use check 6705 and 6706 to get a low promotional 6.99% fixed APR until the balance is paid off!

It goes on to give you all the blah, blah, blah about what happens if you do not pay it off in time. This is where they really get you and if people do not read the fine print they will find themselves in some deep doodoo. One of the things that really stuck out for me was that if you don't charge at least $1500 on card within the next 24 billing cycles they may terminate your promotional APR and you are then stuck paying a higher APR. 

They make is sound so easy, just choose your option, write a check and off you go! For me this mailing will end up in the fire recycle bin. I have two paper recycle bins one goes out to the curb and the other bin I use to start fires. Anything that has account information goes to the fire bin. I guess for me this mailing serves two purposes, it helps secure my job and it helps to warm my house. 

Read the fine print, if something seems too good to be true it probably is, if it's that easy there's a catch to it. I was brought up to want what you have, work hard for what you need and if you want something work even harder and save for it. There is no greater sense of accomplishment or respect for something than when you work hard for it. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I have had several conversations about sexuality this past week. Maybe it's the weather, it gets cold outside and people start thinking of ways to stay warm and one of the best ways is having someone to cuddle up next to, a little friction under the sheet. Maybe it's that in most of the places I hang, I'm the token lesbian and people find it easier to talk about sex with us gays. Who knows? It could be the recent elections and the outcome of some State amendments. One thing I do know is we all have our opinions about it. 

I have my views on the topic but thought I would "google it" and see what others think. The Ancient Egyptians had the right idea, if it feels good do, no guilt. There is a book on google; Sexuality by Joseph Bristow, if you have the time give it a read. There is a sexuality blog on and I may actually add this to my list of blogs to read. I also found the National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC). It seems to me that the common thread in all of these is sex, how we do it, who we do it with and how to stay healthy while doing it. 

I've always thought of sexuality as something more than my sex life, it's like a way of life. I realized my sexuality at a fairly young age at least for people my age. Nowadays people are "coming out" at much younger ages. Maybe if I had been exposed to gay people or if it was even talked about I would have come out earlier. I know it sure could have saved me a lot of headaches if I had known what I was going through and that it was OK. In any case I was in my early twenties when I discovered I like girls better than boys. I wonder sometimes if I had never met a lesbian, would I be gay? If I had never had sex with a woman would I be gay? I believe the answer would be yes. I knew at a very young age that I was different, that I like girls better than boys but I didn't know what it was all about. And therein lies my theory of sexuality, that it is a part of who you are, an identification, not who you are having sex with or how you're doing it. 

I'm a gay homosexual lesbian, I prefer sex with women, I prefer relationships with women, I prefer women over men, except at work or when I have to lift heavy things then I prefer men folk. That is not to say I could not enjoy sex with a dude, sex is sex, what difference would having sex with a man be than picking some woman up in a bar and having anonymous sex? It really does not matter who the person is, it's about the sex. Which brings me to the bi-sexuals, frankly I do not believe anyone is bi-sexual, I believe people have a preference. In my experience, most women who say they are bi-sexual are really straight and like to dabble with girl on girl sex. Most men on the other hand who say they are bi-sexual are really gay. And then you have the guys "on the down low" as long as they are packin' the pooper it's not gay sex. 

I guess I'll do a little more reading on the subject, being AGA-sexual (Ain't Gettin' Any) at the moment, I have plenty of time on my hands. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Crabby blog

I am working diligently to get out of the slump I've been in. I somehow injured my back about a month ago and every time I think it's getting better it gets fucked up again. I know when it happened; October 12, the day Kathy came into town from California. I don't know how it happened.  I know it happened sometime in the afternoon because by the time Kathy got to my house, around 4 PM I could hardly walk. I even took some prescription muscle relaxants that Kathy had along with two glasses of wine and no relief. If I knew how it happened I could make damn sure it does not happen again. 

On Thursday of that week I talked with my yoga instructor and he gave me some poses I could do to help. I started feeling better. I tried to ride my bike, hell to the no, that was not going to happen. Within about 10 miles I could not stand it and had to come home. 

I spent the about two weeks taking it easy, resting not doing a lot but hell I do have a life to live. It's depressing. I can handle pain, I've lived with chronic pain for the last 17 years but this sucks! I guess a person gets used to certain things, like my headache, I've had it so long that I don't think anything of it until it gets really bad. But this back thing has put me over the top. It affects everything I do. 

I know it's making me crabby, it's affecting my job and my social life. The only thing I've been doing consistently is curling and even that takes it's toll. By the end of the game I'm hurtin' for certain. Fuck this sucks! See there I go getting crabby. Sitting hurts, standing hurts, laying down hurts, I'm not sleeping which really sucks because I don't sleep a lot to begin with. I guess this is not helping me get out of my slump but I just got home from curling and my back hurts. We had a great game, lots of fun. We won so I should be happy. 

Maybe I need to call the chiropractor, get myself an adjustment. I wonder if there are crabby pills. Too bad I can't smoke pot that's always been a good pain reliever. 

OK, I'm going to shut up now and post my crabby blog. When I feel better I'll post a feel better blog.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Just finished watching McCain give his concession speech so I guess I can go to bed now. It's for real, Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States of America! 

History is in the making...

Election Day

It has been years since I was this interested in an election. For me this election will dictate my future. If we do not get more labor friendly representatives I will be out of a job within 10 years. 

I have been watching the projections and as of now it looks like Obama is ahead 207 to 135 but there are still a lot of states that need to be counted.  I am cautiously optimistic. 

This is the first time in my voting career that I voted along one party line, the democrats. I am not a card carrying member of any party but as I said I need labor friendly representatives in office. 

The one thing I really hate about this election or any election for that matter is when I cast a vote against someone rather than for someone. In the Coleman/Franken/Barkley race that is exactly what I did. I don't believe there is any way Barkley could win therefore I had no choice but to vote against Coleman. I cannot stand him but I don't think Franken is a good choice either. 

The hot topics such as the Economy, Iraq, Energy and so on seem to pale when your job is on the line. On December 8th I will have worked for the United States Postal Service for 24 years; over half my life. The Bush administration along with his Republican cronies have contracted out more work in the 8 years they have been in office than has happened in my entire career. If they remain in office they will privatize the Postal Service thereby putting over 700,000 employees out of work. The Post Office used to employee more civilian workers than any other company, now WalMart does. What is this telling us? 

It's now nearly 10 PM and it looks like McCain has gained in the polls

Obama 207
McCain 141

I plan to stay up until a decision is made and I will either be raising a toast in celebration or drowning my sorrows. But one thing is for certain, I voted therefore I can Bitch!