Sunday, November 29, 2009


Curled in the Fireball 500 this weekend. Had a really fun time. Our first game was Friday night at 8 PM; we lost but it was a fun game and I was happy with my rocks. Stayed out a wee bit too late Friday but our Saturday game was not until 11 AM so it wasn't too bad.

Saturdays game was great our entire team threw good rocks and we were victorious! Winning Saturday meant that we did not play again until Sunday morning at 9 AM. The team we played against on Saturday was a lot of fun and we had a lot of laughs both on and off the ice.

Went on the Fireball 500 pubcrawl Saturday night but wimped out before the last bar. I seriously needed some food and sleep. I was home by about 12:30 and in bed by 1 AM. Lash had me up at 5:30 with his whining. The dogs are used to getting up at 4:15 so he was ready for breakfast. After letting the dogs out and feeding them I was wide awake.

Got to the club about 8:30 this morning and grabbed some breakfast and coffee. I have to say I was a bit disappointed that we lost this morning. I usually don't get disappointed but I really wanted to win. Most of the time I'm pretty neutral about my curling but we were having such a good game that I was really bummed when we lost. Had we won this morning we would have competed in the second event! It all came down to the 8th end, last rocks. Unfortunately we did not get the point needed to win :(

Playing with Eric, Julie and Kristin was a lot of fun. Eric and Julie are both very laid back and complementary, which is a change from my league teams. They tried talking me into skipping this morning, but I was just not "feeling" it and I'm glad Julie agreed to skip. The team we played against have been curling their entire lives and I would have been totally out of my league.

All in all it was another great time at the curling club! I'm already looking for my next bonspiel. I think the Women's Cold Cash is next on the agenda. I'm not sure who I'll be playing with, I've talked with several people but haven't confirmed anything yet.

Now it's time to relax and get ready for my week...

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