Monday, March 15, 2010

A Thing of Beauty

You cannot control the world outside, but you can choose what you will bring into yourself. If you do not see anything of value in your life, begin by finding one thing of beauty every day until it becomes a habit. -- Ron Rathbun

I read this quote on a friends facebook status and had to use it as my own. It was exactly what I needed today. My work environment has gotten so stressful, that when I read this quote it was a turning point in my day. I will NOT allow peoples controlling, manipulative, psychotic behavior to ruin my happy day.

I took the long way home from work so I could ride along the river. I went for a walk in my backyard and noticed the tulips and crocus are coming up. And now I'm heading back outside to play with my hounds for a while before I head to the curling club.

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