Friday, February 5, 2010

Week One

It's been one week since I started my detox cleansing program and I can't say that I feel any different. I don't feel any more clean now than when I started :) I was worried after the first couple days that I might have to quit. WARNING poop conversation. The program is three parts; Cleanse 1 "Detoxify" it supports the natural detoxification process of the body, the liver, lungs, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin and blood. Cleanse 2 "Capture" this formula binds with toxins in the digestive tract and assists with their removal from the body. Cleanse 3 "Eliminate" promotes elimination from the colon. As a vegetarian eliminating waste from my colon has not been a problem so taking something that promotes that elimination can have some ill affects. Let's just say after the first couple days I thought seriously about omitting Cleanse 3. Thankfully things have settled.

I've stepped on the scale consistently every morning just to see if this detox/cleansing will have any weight loss affects. My weight has been between 135 and 137 for the past week. I'll keep stepping on the scale but I don't think there will be any weight loss with this program which is fine with me, my purpose was not for losing weight but for detoxing and cleaning my system.

As for my pain management diet (PMD) it's going along nicely. Tuesday was a tough day, for some reason I just could not get enough to eat. I also found myself out to eat at two restaurants, therefore it was difficult to stay on track. Other than that I've done good. My coffee is down to about 4 cups, I actually went without coffee on Wednesday. Next week I should be down to 3 cups a day.

Because I'm doing the detox/cleanse program I have not been taking any Ibuprofen, and now I've notice how much Ibuprofen I was taking, WOW, not a good thing. I haven't had any since I started the program and I can tell. The pain in my knees has been pretty bad but my whole purpose is to find pain relief and taking drugs is not what I want to do. I guess I'll just struggle through the next few months until I see if this diet is going to help or not.

My alcohol intake is next to nothing, well at least compared to my normal alcohol intake. I usually drink wine with my dinner every night and also have a glass of wine in the evening before I go to bed. Since I've started the PMD I haven't been drinking at home at all, the only time I've had a glass of wine has been when I've been out. In the past week I curled Friday, Wednesday and tonight and had a couple glasses afterwards. I also had a glass Tuesday night when I went out. I sure do miss my nighttime glass of red wine, now I make a tea of honey and cinnamon instead, not quite the same but it is relaxing.

I haven't decided which food(s) I'm going to cut out next week but I'm pretty sure I'll cut out all alcohol for this next week of the detox/cleanse program; if I can't go one week without a drink I may need more help than I realize.

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