I learned this evening that two of my friends have ended their relationship. It is truly a sad day. I just cannot believe it! They've been together 9 years. This really bums me out, I mean it's OK for me to be single and have relationship "issues" but it's not OK for my friends. They need to be happy. This is a tough one, I am really close to both of them and I hate to see them unhappy. This is going to take some getting used to. I can only hope that they've made the right decision and lend a shoulder when it's needed. Sad, sad, day :(
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
2010 snow storm!
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! I've already been out once this morning to shovel and you cannot even tell. I'm sure we are close to a foot of snow on the ground! And the wind is blowing it into fantastic drifts! I'm going to have a bear of a time getting out of the garage. I'm thinking I'm going to take a snow day from work tomorrow. I've never called in because of the weather but I know my little car is not going get through this stuff.
Being stuck in the house all day has given me time to do some thinking, should be doing some house cleaning but just not motivated to do that. Sittin' and thinking is more fun, that and surfing the Internet. Anyway, I have an idea for a new blog. Going to start working on it today. Hope to launch it New Years Day. Better get back to it.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Fat People
I'm having an issue with something that happened yesterday. Rhory was leaving for work and discovered that her front tire was flat. She called AAA to have it fixed. I gave her a drive to work and went back home. I was at home when the AAA person showed up to change the tire. He rang the doorbell and asked if I had a key to move the truck. He claimed he could not change the tire without moving it forward in front of the driveway. I looked for a key and brought one out to see if it worked. It was not the right key. The man claimed he could not change the tire without moving the truck; I'm looking at the truck and wondering why? I could change the tire without moving the truck. Then I realized... this guy was too fat to change the tire. He was out of breath from walking to the house and ringing the doorbell then walking back to the street where the truck was parked. He was at least 350 most likely 400 pounds! He couldn't change the tire because he couldn't fit. The truck was about 18 inches from the curb, plenty of room to change the tire. He left saying that Rhory would have to call and reschedule!
I picked Rhory up from work and she then called AAA again to reschedule. About an hour later another person showed up. Guess what??? He did NOT have to move the truck to change the tire. He had no trouble changing the tire right where the truck was located.
I try hard not to judge people but seriously if you are too fat to do your job you need to either lose weight or find another line of business.
Maybe I'm just mad. I had a really dear friend of mine die a few years back. Miss Marly was one of my dearest most treasured friends, she was one of those rare people you meet in your life that brings so much happiness and joy to your life. I still hear her laughter, I still think about her all the time. Marly was obese and she had a lot of health issues because of it. She died in her sleep. We'll never know why she died, her religion forbid an autopsy. Her partner, Kathy woke up in the middle of the night to discover that Marly was not moving, she could not move Marly from the bed to the floor to perform any life saving procedures. Kathy tried desperately to save Marly, but we believe she was already gone. I'm still mad at Marly for dying, Kathy is still mad at Marly for dying.
Ever since Marly died I've viewed obese people differently. I know I shouldn't but all I can think about is what if something happens, nobody can save you. I've had nightmares about losing someone because they are too fat and I can't save them. It's crazy I know but it's how I feel.
We need to start recognizing unhealthy eating habits and do something about it. What you put into your body is under your control. I don't know how people get so fat but our society for some reason averts their eyes to it. We've forbidden smoking in buildings, our government has made laws against it and forced those laws onto private businesses. We outlaw drugs, limit alcohol to over 21 years old. But we do nothing to fix the obesity rate in our country. Sure there are stories written about it, but really what does anyone do? What can I do?
Monday, October 25, 2010
I've been trying hard not to post too many political issues on Facebook then it dawned on me...I have a blog! I asked myself; self why are you not posting on your blog???
I don't reach as many people on this blog as I do on Facebook but I also don't piss off as many friends by what I post here.
Today's political tidbit:
Robert Rowling, the CEO of TRT Holdings, the company that owns Gold's Gym is giving millions of dollars to an organization founded by Karl Rove, which in turn is using that money to support politicians who believe LGBT people are "perverts" and who want to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage. This is especially offensive given that Gold's Gym has a huge LGBT clientele.
I personally don't go to Gold's Gym but if I did I would stop right now.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
When a Facebook Friend Dies
What do you do?
This weekend a friend of mine died. He's actually a good friend of my brothers but over the years we gotten to know each other and I consider him a friend. You know how it is when your brother/sister is friends with someone you also get to know that person. Mike and I are close and we share a number of mutual friends.
I found out yesterday that Luke died over the weekend. They are still waiting to find out what happened. When he didn't show up for a meeting and his phone went unanswered people started to worry. They went to his place and knocked on the door, no answer. They were finally able to get into his apartment yesterday and found him dead. There is talk of suicide or a drug over dose. He had recently been struggling with Meth. It's really sad, he was only 34 years old. I've been thinking about him ever since I heard the news.
I spent today thinking, what if? what if I died today, tomorrow, next week? I'm not ready to die, I have a messy house. I've never been afraid to die; I just am not ready for it. I keep thinking I need to get things taken care of "just in case." I need to finish painting my house, cut the grass, I have laundry to do, bills to pay and stuff to do. I need to write my will. I wonder did Luke decide to die, did he know it was going to happen? Did he plan it? Did he kill himself? or was is an accident?
The weird thing is that I found out about his death on Facebook. Other friends had posted information in their status updates. I called my brother to find out the details and that's how I learned that they don't know what happened. Luke is still a friend of mine on Facebook, what do I do now? It doesn't seem right to delete him but I know he's not going to be posting any status updates, at least I don't think he will. Wouldn't that be freaky? I don't know I guess having him on there makes it seem like it isn't real. I mean people on the Internet don't seem real anyway. I think I'll just leave it alone for a while.
Rest in peace Luke...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Quote of the Day
Funny I haven't written much, well not at all for a long time and my motivating factor is a quote I just read:
A faggot is the thing on the back of a Mercury dime.
Stay tuned I'm feeling the urge, I should be back to posting soon. Life has finally slowed down and I don't feel like I'm going to fall off! Happy times!
A faggot is the thing on the back of a Mercury dime.
Stay tuned I'm feeling the urge, I should be back to posting soon. Life has finally slowed down and I don't feel like I'm going to fall off! Happy times!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
President Obama is going to chill with the ladies on The View! Stop the presses! We can't have a sitting president do an interview on a day-time TV show, the scandal. What will the rest of the world think?
OK, we have Joy Behar - funny, straight forward, plain speaking who hits the nail on the head every time.
Whoopi Goldberg - one of my all time favorite people on earth; she brings humor to really serious issues serves it up on a platter and makes you think about it. I've been in awe of her since the first time I saw her at the Guthrie theater in Mpls years ago.
Sherri Shepherd - I know nothing about.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck - complete redneck, born-again christian dumbass.
Barbara Walters- serious with a dry sense of humor. Let's see Barbara has interviewed Boris Yeltsin, Jiang Zemin, Margaret Thatcher, Moammar Qadaffi, Saddam Hussein, Vladmir Putin and every American President since Richard Nixon, not to mention Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, and Fidel Castro just to name a few.
I think the women on The View can handle an interview with President Obama, hell I might even plug my TV in to watch it!
What do you think???
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Up In Smoke
OK, so Rhory likes to pick up the local ghetto paper "BU$TED" and of course I have to read everything that I see so tonight while eating dinner I browsed through it! If you are not familiar with this paper I recommend picking one up, although I'm always afraid I will recognize someone. BU$TED is your local weekly mugshot newspaper. It's about 20 pages filled with mugshots of people arrested for a variety of reasons, I would say domestic assault, DWI and theft are the most common. There are also a few short clips, stories whatever in the paper as well.
The "Mug of the Week" is a picture of a young male DOB: 5/26/1992 actually just a kid, from the picture he looks like a girl, make-up and long hair, he was charged with Drugs 5th degree.
Anyway, the story that caught my fancy today was "Up In Smoke"
St. Paul- According to reports an apparent marijuana grow house went up in flames this past week. The Payne-Phalen home apparently caught fire due to overloaded electrical wiring from the high wattage heat lamps...(Big Surprise)
Police seized nearly 100 pot plants after fire fighters alerted them of the plants in the basement of the home. No one was injured in the fire and it did not appear as though anyone was living there. No reports of anyone in the neighborhood getting high from the fire.
And after perusing the paper I have to say racial profiling does NOT work! the majority of the people in the paper were white guys.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Well I Ain't No Popeye
The sailing lessons have ended, I really enjoyed them but I can honestly say I am not Popeye or Skipper; more like Gilligan. I don't think I'm cut out for sailing. I would do good as a crew member, I can tie knots and hoist the main sail. On our last day of sailing I was able to ride along in the big boat, I was in charge of the jib sail, now that's more like it! Bigger boat and only responsible for one thing.
Sailing ended just in time for me to get hit with overtime madness as work! It's Sunday night and I've already worked 24 hours by my end tour tomorrow I'll have in 36 hours, nearly an entire weeks worth! I'm doing my best to suck it up but I gotta say I'm not liking it. I'm working 0400 to 1630, getting up at 3AM is not fun. Even tho it's only an hour and a half earlier than my normal time it seems really early. I think the fact that I haven't gotten to bed before 2200 makes a difference too. Tonight I plan to get to bed by 2030, read for a while and turn out the lights at 2100.
Friday night I went to a Twins game at the new stadium, that was lots of fun! I'm not a huge baseball fan but watching a live game in an outdoor stadium was great! I would love to take my folks sometime, they both like baseball. But I'd have to buy some expensive tickets I don't think either one of them could climb the steps to the cheap seats.
My week looks pretty open so hopefully I can finish some of the yard work and get my car washed and the oil changed. I have a cabin party to go to this weekend but I have a feeling that I'm going to have to cancel, I'm sure I'll be scheduled to work 12 hours again on Saturday and Sunday. Guess I'll wait and see.
I have a convention to go to next month in Detroit so it's time to surf the net and find something to entertain myself with for a week. What the hell I'm going to do in Detroit for a week is beyond me. I know I'll be doing union stuff for most of the day but I'll need to get out in the evenings. Maybe I can convince someone to come along with me???
Friday, June 11, 2010
Last Tuesday I started sailing lessons; I did this we great trepidation. I don't do water. I have an innate fear of water. I learned as a young adult that when I was about three years old I went under the water and they had to pull me out and pump the water out of me. That explains the subconscious fear of the water. But anyway, as I was saying I started sailing lessons.
Lesson 1 took place in the classroom. We started with introductions and were given some handouts. We learned about environmental awareness and safety, common sailing ailments to avoid, personal sailing gear and PFDs (personal floatation devices). We learned the parts of the boat, toured the boat house and practiced common sailing knots. We also took one of the sailboats out to a grassy area and learned how to set the sails. Then we were sent home with homework and the knowledge that we needed to come back on Thursday prepared to turtle (capsize) a boat. YAY! Their idea is that if you intentionally turtle the boat and know how to right it again and get back on then when it happens to you, and it will, while you are sailing you will know what to do. Yeah, whatever!
I spent from Tuesday to Thursday worrying about what to wear because it's going to be flippin' cold in that water and I totally stressed over the idea of capsizing the boat. Anyone who knows me knows I don't do water. You are not going to see me jumping off a diving board, a dock or any other object and into the water. No way did I want to go into that lake. Yes, I understand that sailing requires one to get wet and that there is a chance that the boat will tip over while you are sailing but do we really have to intentionally tip it over?
Let me say, my fear of water has never stopped me from participating in water adventures, I've snorkled several times in the ocean, Hawaii, Jamaica and Key West, I've waterskied, innertubed down rivers, went rafting, canoed, and been pulled by a speedboat on an innertube etc. So I was sure I would deal with capsizing the sailboat just fine. But I still stressed over it, thankfully it was a short time between Tuesday and Thursday.
Thursday arrived, I worked all day then came home and spent quite some time deciding on what to wear. I really don't have water sport clothes. I do however have a lot of nylon, polyester, quick dry clothes for biking and curling. I settled on some biking tights with shorts over them, long sleeve poly shirt covered with a short sleeve poly shirt and a windbreaker type jacket and water shoes.
Lesson 2: We pretty much headed to the boat house right away. There are three students, Dave (my work spouse), Mike and I; two instructors, Tom and Jon and one assistant, Tracy so we had great one on one training. Mike did not make it to the Tuesday class so he was not prepared to get in the water and stayed on the dock with Tom. We set up the sailboats and discussed the terms and functions, determined the wind directions, and discussed capsizing and recovery.
Tracy demonstrated capsizing and recovery, she made it look easy.
Jon and I went out in one boat and Dave and Tracy went out in another. Jon actually sailed the boat and we talked about the wind, how to steer, what the sail was doing and how to determine the wind and other elements of being on the water. It was great fun zipping across the lake. I don't think we were traveling real fast but it felt like we were. After spending about a half hour sailing around the lake it was time to turtle the boat. We sailed closer to the dock area so we could be observed by the others. Jon gave the heads up and we capsized! We gave the thumbs up to the people on the dock to let them know we were fine. Then it was my job to recover the boat. It was much easier than I thought it would be. I pulled the daggerboad up grabbed onto it, put my feet on the bottom of the boat and let my body weight tip the boat towards me, then I reached up grabbed the side and righted the boat. The next thing was to haul my ass back into the boat. Piece of cake, much easier than getting into a canoe or innertube. After Jon got back into the boat we sailed into shore and derigged the boats and put them away.
I can tell you I had a big ol' smile on my face after this adventure. The water was not really cold but after getting out of the water it was a bit chilly. On a warm sun shiny day it would be perfect! I can hardly wait for my next lesson.
Lesson 3 we practice rigging the boats and sail a figure 8 course by ourselves.
Lesson 1 took place in the classroom. We started with introductions and were given some handouts. We learned about environmental awareness and safety, common sailing ailments to avoid, personal sailing gear and PFDs (personal floatation devices). We learned the parts of the boat, toured the boat house and practiced common sailing knots. We also took one of the sailboats out to a grassy area and learned how to set the sails. Then we were sent home with homework and the knowledge that we needed to come back on Thursday prepared to turtle (capsize) a boat. YAY! Their idea is that if you intentionally turtle the boat and know how to right it again and get back on then when it happens to you, and it will, while you are sailing you will know what to do. Yeah, whatever!
I spent from Tuesday to Thursday worrying about what to wear because it's going to be flippin' cold in that water and I totally stressed over the idea of capsizing the boat. Anyone who knows me knows I don't do water. You are not going to see me jumping off a diving board, a dock or any other object and into the water. No way did I want to go into that lake. Yes, I understand that sailing requires one to get wet and that there is a chance that the boat will tip over while you are sailing but do we really have to intentionally tip it over?
Let me say, my fear of water has never stopped me from participating in water adventures, I've snorkled several times in the ocean, Hawaii, Jamaica and Key West, I've waterskied, innertubed down rivers, went rafting, canoed, and been pulled by a speedboat on an innertube etc. So I was sure I would deal with capsizing the sailboat just fine. But I still stressed over it, thankfully it was a short time between Tuesday and Thursday.
Thursday arrived, I worked all day then came home and spent quite some time deciding on what to wear. I really don't have water sport clothes. I do however have a lot of nylon, polyester, quick dry clothes for biking and curling. I settled on some biking tights with shorts over them, long sleeve poly shirt covered with a short sleeve poly shirt and a windbreaker type jacket and water shoes.
Lesson 2: We pretty much headed to the boat house right away. There are three students, Dave (my work spouse), Mike and I; two instructors, Tom and Jon and one assistant, Tracy so we had great one on one training. Mike did not make it to the Tuesday class so he was not prepared to get in the water and stayed on the dock with Tom. We set up the sailboats and discussed the terms and functions, determined the wind directions, and discussed capsizing and recovery.
Tracy demonstrated capsizing and recovery, she made it look easy.
Jon and I went out in one boat and Dave and Tracy went out in another. Jon actually sailed the boat and we talked about the wind, how to steer, what the sail was doing and how to determine the wind and other elements of being on the water. It was great fun zipping across the lake. I don't think we were traveling real fast but it felt like we were. After spending about a half hour sailing around the lake it was time to turtle the boat. We sailed closer to the dock area so we could be observed by the others. Jon gave the heads up and we capsized! We gave the thumbs up to the people on the dock to let them know we were fine. Then it was my job to recover the boat. It was much easier than I thought it would be. I pulled the daggerboad up grabbed onto it, put my feet on the bottom of the boat and let my body weight tip the boat towards me, then I reached up grabbed the side and righted the boat. The next thing was to haul my ass back into the boat. Piece of cake, much easier than getting into a canoe or innertube. After Jon got back into the boat we sailed into shore and derigged the boats and put them away.
I can tell you I had a big ol' smile on my face after this adventure. The water was not really cold but after getting out of the water it was a bit chilly. On a warm sun shiny day it would be perfect! I can hardly wait for my next lesson.
Lesson 3 we practice rigging the boats and sail a figure 8 course by ourselves.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
I've never been accused of being a fashion plate so take this shoe recommendation with a grain of salt. I picked up a pair of Okabashi sandals at my local Menards store this afternoon. I'm big on buying American and these sandals caught my eye and they're made in the USA, Buford, Georgia to be exact. I went to their website and now I like them even more. Check out this quick video about the Okabashi shoes and their recycling program:
Made in the USA and recyclable? I'm sold.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Proof is in the Online Quiz
I'm happy to report that I am NOT a Narcissist, whew I can hardly even spell the word. It would be a bitch if I were and I had to write that on a form. Anyway, as I was saying; I'm not a narcissist and I took the online quiz to prove it! If you'd like to find out if you're a narcissist click the link below and take the quiz:
Average score is between 12 and 15
Celebrities score 18
Narcissist score 20
I scored 6!!! not sure what that means but I know I'm not a narcissist, I did however date one a few years back.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Bird Washing Machine
I'm not quite sure how I feel about this but 7 minutes compared to 2 hours seems like a better deal. More birds can be cleaned and they are back home in a shorter period of time. My preference would be not spilling the oil in the first place but until we get over our dependence on oil I don't see that happening any time soon.
Check out this video and let me know what you think...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Today's word is brought to us by William Gibson in his book "Spook Country."
I've heard this word before but reading it today made me giggle, I just love it! Today's word is Wonky! It still makes me giggle, it may be my new favorite word. WONKY! OK, settle down. Calming...
WONKY! hee hee,
Now for the definitions...
Urban Dictionary:
weird, whacked out, messed up, not working for no definable reason. Usually applied to technology. This is one of my favorite places to look up words.
Merriam-Webster (online):
I've heard this word before but reading it today made me giggle, I just love it! Today's word is Wonky! It still makes me giggle, it may be my new favorite word. WONKY! OK, settle down. Calming...
WONKY! hee hee,
Now for the definitions...
Urban Dictionary:
weird, whacked out, messed up, not working for no definable reason. Usually applied to technology. This is one of my favorite places to look up words.
Merriam-Webster (online):
Pronunciation: \ˈwäŋ-kē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): won·ki·er; won·ki·est
Etymology: probably alteration of English dial. wankle, from Middle English wankel, from Old English wancol; akin to Old High German wankōn to totter — more at wench
Date: 1918
1 British : unsteady, shaky
2 chiefly British : awry, wrong
The free dictionary online:
wonky [ˈwɒŋkɪ]adj -kier, -kiest Brit informal
1. shaky or unsteady
2. not in correct alignment; askew
3. liable to break down or develop a fault
If you've never read William Gibson books and you're into computers, the Internet, cyberspace, GPS whatever, I highly recommend picking up one of this books. I've read most all of them and I'm always amazed by his ability to write and create his world.
Here's a blurb from the book cover:
"A writer who can conjure the numinous out the the quotidian." - The Washington Post Book World.
"William Gibson can craft sentences of uncanny beauty, and is our great poet of crowds." - San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle
"Gibson has a bone-dry wit, and an insistence that the technology we create will inevitably evolve beyond us." - Entertainment Weekly
If you've never read William Gibson books and you're into computers, the Internet, cyberspace, GPS whatever, I highly recommend picking up one of this books. I've read most all of them and I'm always amazed by his ability to write and create his world.
Here's a blurb from the book cover:
"A writer who can conjure the numinous out the the quotidian." - The Washington Post Book World.
"William Gibson can craft sentences of uncanny beauty, and is our great poet of crowds." - San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle
"Gibson has a bone-dry wit, and an insistence that the technology we create will inevitably evolve beyond us." - Entertainment Weekly
Friday, May 7, 2010
How to eat an elephant...
one bite at a time.
Yesterday my work spouse and I were chatting about a mutual friend and some trouble she's having. We've both listened to her and tried to be sympathetic but sorry, my sympathy only goes so far then you need to buck up, take responsibility for your life and deal with it.
Anyway, while we were chatting I made the statement "how do you eat and elephant?" "one bite at a time." I must have subconciously needed to hear that myself for as soon as I said it I knew that was advice I needed to take myself. For the past several weeks I've had way too much on my plate and I can't seem to get anything done. My job, my union work, my house and the people in my life have been so demanding that at one point I was so overwhelmed I had to just stop and walk away. So today I'm taking the first bite out of that elephant. The weather has made a number of decisions for me so I don't have to.
My first step is to write everything down, take it out of my head and put it in writing. There is a certain someone who has been in my head for the past several months and she needs to get out so I plan to address that this week. Hopefully I'll see her on Saturday and if not then for sure on Sunday. One way or another I'm going to deal with the reality of that situation.
The next step is to break down those chores and things-to-do and make them into small bites. I'm going to reward myself after every 10 items I cross of my list. And I'm going to start saying "no" to people.
Look out elephant I'm going to take a big bite out of your ass this weekend!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Today's word brought to us by Patricia Cornwell and her book "Book of the Dead."
Oedipal: of, relating to, or resulting from the Oedipus complex.
What, do you ask, is the Oedipus complex? Well let's look that up too.
Oedipus complex: Greek mythological character. In Greek mythology Oedipus was the son of Laius and Jocasta, the king and queen of Thebes. Because at his birth an oracle had predicted that he would someday murder his father and marry his mother, Oedipus was abandoned by his parents, but he survived to maturity. Through a highly improbable series of circumstances, he fulfilled the prophecy: he unknowingly slew his father and later married his widowed mother, thereby succeeding his father to the throne. When the truth was eventually revealed to all, Jocasta committed suicide and Oedipus blinded himself.
Well now doesn't that sound lovely?
In the book they were talking about one of the male characters and his obsession with an older female character. If you're a fan of Patricia Cornwell and the Scarpetta series then you will probably like this book. I've read most all the the Cornwell books including the non-fiction one about Jack the Ripper and "Book of the Dead is about average for her books. I wouldn't recommend paying full price for it, find it at the library or a used book store. It's not worth full price.
When I read the word the first thing I thought of was Scrabble, I'm always looking for words for that game. I've started a little notebook with words I find in books and/or games I've played. I really like it that you can archive your previous games, it gives ya a chance to look at all the words that have been played. Funny how just like in crossword puzzles we repeat a lot of the same words. I'm still trying to figure out how someone can score over 3000 points in Scrabble, I haven't even broken 500 yet!
Anyway, this brings me to something else I've been thinking about. I read a lot of books and have several friends who I trade with. What I've been thinking is that I'd like to start a book club. Not a regular run of the mill book club but one where we don't all read the same book at the same time, we meet maybe once a month and each person gives a review on the book they've most recently read. We each bring our book to the meeting and we can exchange with each other. Eventually we will all have read the books and can discuss what we think of them. The more I think of it, maybe it should be a book exchange group. We meet once a month, chat about books we've read or are reading and bring along books to exchange. We could also do brunch or something. Yeah, I'm liking this. I think I'll send out a message and see if I get any response. I'm thinking Friday mornings. I know a lot of people work on Fridays but I also know a lot of people who don't. Plus a number of friends are school teachers and they have the Summer off. It doesn't have to be the same group of people each month, just whoever can show up. Boy could I come up with an eclectic group of book readers.
The Friday Book Brunch, I like the sound of it...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Mixed Feelings
There are times, actually a lot of times when I do things that I have mixed feelings about. Today is one of those times. I did something today that I've wanted to do for a long time, I'm happy I did it and I want to share it. However, there is a side of me that thinks I should keep it to myself. It's kind of a private thing but not really. OK, so I sound neurotic but as I said I have mixed feelings about it. I know that I will share it with a handful of friends but I will also keep it from others. I'm certainly not going to post it here for the entire world to see but I'm compelled to express my thoughts, that's why I started this blog in the first place.
One thing I will talk about is my evening adventure. Tonight I started my Spring Forest Qigong level ll healing class. It was a wonderful experience. I have long held the belief that everything is made of energy and we can heal ourselves.
In September of 1991 I had the opportunity to test my belief. At approximately 10:15 AM I was involved in a head-on collision. I sustained some serious injuries and found myself lying in an emergency room with doctors telling me I would never walk again, never go back to work, blah, blah, blah. Let me tell you when you are 28 years old, all alone in the emergency room with doctors telling you this, it is scary as hell! I remember my first thought was "fuck you!" Second thought was ""that's bullshit, I don't believe it." Third thought was "fuck you" again. I had 3 doctors tell me the same thing and show me X-rays, each time I did not believe it. My 4th thought was "I'm not going to be a burden to anyone, thank God I already have my emergency plan* in place."
To make a long story short, the doctors were wrong. I was off work for 5 months and spent that time healing myself. Yes, I followed the doctors orders, well, everything except the drugs. I did not take any prescription medications, no pain killers, nothing! I meditated, I visualized, I changed my life, my diet, my entire world. I practiced what I preached!
I tested my beliefs and they held strong and true and made believers out of a lot on non-believers. Even my mother a long standing Christian has changed some of her ideas. She has a new found respect for my ideas.
So when I was introduced to Qigong earlier this year it was a perfect fit. Qigong is spiritual healing, which is also called energy healing or message healing, or information healing, or signal healing. You must have love, forgiveness and kindness in your heart and soul. I took the level one training about 2 months ago and now I've begun the level two training. I am very excited about this and looking forward to next weeks class.
Stay tuned I'll keep ya updated on my progress and feel free to volunteer for a healing. I need the practice :)
* emergency plan= assisted suicide. I have a pact with a friend of mine that if either one of us finds ourselves in a position that we cannot get out of, no longer want to live we will provide the means to take our own lives. I believe that NO ONE has the right to take the life of another person, the only life you have the right to take is your own. I have no issues with people who commit suicide, it's your choice, just as you chose life you can choose death.
One thing I will talk about is my evening adventure. Tonight I started my Spring Forest Qigong level ll healing class. It was a wonderful experience. I have long held the belief that everything is made of energy and we can heal ourselves.
In September of 1991 I had the opportunity to test my belief. At approximately 10:15 AM I was involved in a head-on collision. I sustained some serious injuries and found myself lying in an emergency room with doctors telling me I would never walk again, never go back to work, blah, blah, blah. Let me tell you when you are 28 years old, all alone in the emergency room with doctors telling you this, it is scary as hell! I remember my first thought was "fuck you!" Second thought was ""that's bullshit, I don't believe it." Third thought was "fuck you" again. I had 3 doctors tell me the same thing and show me X-rays, each time I did not believe it. My 4th thought was "I'm not going to be a burden to anyone, thank God I already have my emergency plan* in place."
To make a long story short, the doctors were wrong. I was off work for 5 months and spent that time healing myself. Yes, I followed the doctors orders, well, everything except the drugs. I did not take any prescription medications, no pain killers, nothing! I meditated, I visualized, I changed my life, my diet, my entire world. I practiced what I preached!
I tested my beliefs and they held strong and true and made believers out of a lot on non-believers. Even my mother a long standing Christian has changed some of her ideas. She has a new found respect for my ideas.
So when I was introduced to Qigong earlier this year it was a perfect fit. Qigong is spiritual healing, which is also called energy healing or message healing, or information healing, or signal healing. You must have love, forgiveness and kindness in your heart and soul. I took the level one training about 2 months ago and now I've begun the level two training. I am very excited about this and looking forward to next weeks class.
Stay tuned I'll keep ya updated on my progress and feel free to volunteer for a healing. I need the practice :)
* emergency plan= assisted suicide. I have a pact with a friend of mine that if either one of us finds ourselves in a position that we cannot get out of, no longer want to live we will provide the means to take our own lives. I believe that NO ONE has the right to take the life of another person, the only life you have the right to take is your own. I have no issues with people who commit suicide, it's your choice, just as you chose life you can choose death.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Quote of the Day
"Her presence in my thoughts are like the light of the candles on the table and the lights of the city beyond the window. I'm moved by her..."
Monday, April 26, 2010
What a Day!
This is the kind of week that just brings a smile to my face and it's only day two! Yesterday I was able to spend time with someone who I am completely enamored with! :)
This morning started off a little hectic as I was running late for work. Thought I could make it up on the ride in. Actually hit 27 MPH on the MTB! Excellent little down hill on Payne Ave and the traffic Goddess was generous with a shiny green light on M'haha Ave so no stopping for me. Cruised into work a wee bit late but nobody was paying attention.
My work spouse had the coffee brewing and a cup ready for me. The day at the office went fast and I had lots of visitors. The ride back home was a battle against a headwind, very exhilarating!
I grabbed a quick dinner and headed to the curling club. We had a really fun game. They scored 2 in the 1st end, we scored 1 in the second, they scored another 2, in the 3rd, we scored 3 in the 4th end tying the game. We swiped one in the 5 end, the buzzer went off in the 6th end and they scored 1. We went into the 7th end tied with the hammer. Unfortunately my team had some trouble keeping rocks in the house. I needed to do a bump back with my last rock and knock our rock to the button. A wee bit too much weight and knocked it too far, they scored and won the game.
After the game while sharing adult beverages one of the women on the opposing team asked me where I learned to curl. I stated at the St. Paul Curling club. She then asked who taught me. This was hard for me to answer, I never thought about who taught me how to curl. I just started curling and learned as I went along, I took a clinic about a year ago. She then told me that she had made bets that I was Canadian! Wow, I didn't even know how to respond to that. Totally made my night!
I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow will bring. I have plans to see my "friend" again and I really looking forward to that!
Wednesday I get to spend the evening with my favorite little boy, RJ!
Thursday I start level 2 Qigong.
Friday I plan to ride to Eagan to check out the bike route I'll be taking when the PO moves this Fall and Friday night I'm heading to an Adventure Cycling regional gathering and party.
Good thing I've kept Saturday free, I think I'll need to sleep in and take a day of rest.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Quote of the Day
"The funny thing about choices. When you don't have one, nobody else does, either."
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Feel Proud of your Pussy!
Up until last night I had never heard of this, and now in the past 24 hours I've heard about it twice. Vajazzling, it's a way to pretty up your vajayjay. In other words you clean up your kitty then decorate it with jewels! I've always been an advocate of keeping the kitty clean but I never thought of decorating it with jewels. Shaving designs yes, adding a splash of color yes, putting on glow in the dark stickers yes, but gluing jewels??? WOW! I can't imagine what happens when the hair starts to grow back and you get the dangles.
Bedazzling your lady parts with crystals, what will they think of next?
Feel proud of your pussy!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Quote of the Day
LOL, I go strolling into the Union office this afternoon and as I enter the room the first thing I hear is:
"What kinda horses ass shit is this?" I busted out laughing. Had to repeat it and tell Jody that she has made my quote of the day! The funniest part is that she was really pissed off about something. After I repeated it a few times and added my own two cents, Jody started laughing too.
"What kinda horses ass shit is this?" I still think it's funny!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Little of This and a Little of That
A little of this:
My quote of the day: The people who wrote the Bible were just as dedicated to truth as Fox News.
I pulled it from one of the guys I follow on Twitter. I could not have said it better myself.
And now for a little of that:
For the past several months I've been trying to make a decision and it has really been driving me crazy. Normally I evaluate a situation, gather as much information as I can and make an informed decision. Well, this was a matter of the heart so it was not so easy. I met someone a while back and have not been able to get this person out of my head. We see each other a couple times a week and get along very well. In order for me to continue with this person I have to be willing to break two of my rules; not just one mind you but two! I don't put many rules upon myself so when I do there are very valid reasons for it. The last couple months I've been trying to decide whether or not I'm willing to break my own rules. I decided over the weekend that I'm not. I may very well be throwing away a fantastic relationship but I just can't do it. I'm sad about it and I'm a little bit afraid that I've made a bad decision but I put these rules in place for a reason and I just can't ignore that. We haven't seen each other for a few days now. I'm probably making another stupid mistake which I'm prone to when it comes to relationships but I gotta do what I gotta do. It's easy for me to make this decision right now but I know the first time I see that smile and hear that laughter I'm going to kick myself in the ass. Damn it gives me a stomach ache just writing about it. I guess it's a good thing my calendar is full all week and I'll be out of town this weekend. We wont see each other again until next Sunday. It sucks to be me right now :(
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Facebook makes me laugh
LOL, Facebook is funny. It's posts on your News Feed "so and so is now friends with so and so" We all get a heads up when one of our friends makes a new friend YAY. That's all good. But I think it would be funny as hell if Facebook posted on your News Feed every time somebody "unfriends" someone else. It could go a little something like this "so and so had a bitch fight with so and so now they ain't friends no more."
I mean Facebook is a social networking tool, right? We all know in our social networks if two people have a cat fight everyone talks about it.
I think I'll write them a letter with my suggestion.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Check that Ass!
I just finished reading a friends blog, I've been slacking on my blog reading so I'm trying to catch up. Anyway, as I was saying... one of her posts was about the O'Hare airport. This reminded me of the Olympics. How do you ask does the Chicago airport remind me of the Olympics? Well actually it was her ranting about peoples behavior in the airport that reminded me of the Olympics. While I was at the Olympics in Vancouver this past February I was fortunate enough to be able to watch some curling events. The venue where the curling took place was really nice, the only problem was the seating. They had bleacher type seating but there were actual seats attached to the bleachers. These seats were so close together that your neighbors ass hung over onto your seat. This prompted me it exclaim that they needed a "check your ass" box at the venue. Just like at the airport when you are going to board a plane your carry on luggage has to fit in a box, if it's too big then you have to check your bag. Well they seriously needed a check your ass box at the curling venue. There is nothing more uncomfortable than having butt cheeks of the people next to you hanging onto your seat! I'm not a big person so my ass fit on the seat, but the people with me have wee bit bigger butts and their butts would crowd over onto my seat. And if you were unfortunate enough to sit next to an even bigger person not only did their ass cheeks encroach into your space but so did the rest of their body!
They needed to install a box the size of the seats, if your ass extends over the sides then you need to check your ass! Buy two seats, whatever; but if your ass is sharing my seat then I should get a discount.
I think they could also use this at the airports. Who the hell wants some big fat person sitting next to them and taking over your chair space. It's bad enough we have to share an arm rest but come on if your butt extends past the edge of your seat you need to check your ass! Buy two seats, or give me a discount.
OK, this might not be the nicest of my posts but people need to start taking care of themselves and if they are too big for a seat then they need to buy two seats or stay home.
They needed to install a box the size of the seats, if your ass extends over the sides then you need to check your ass! Buy two seats, whatever; but if your ass is sharing my seat then I should get a discount.
I think they could also use this at the airports. Who the hell wants some big fat person sitting next to them and taking over your chair space. It's bad enough we have to share an arm rest but come on if your butt extends past the edge of your seat you need to check your ass! Buy two seats, or give me a discount.
OK, this might not be the nicest of my posts but people need to start taking care of themselves and if they are too big for a seat then they need to buy two seats or stay home.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Entropic Chaos Factor
I'm totally sucked into the Stieg Larsson book "The Girl Who Played With Fire". I finished reading "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" about a week ago and Amy gave this book to me last Saturday. I had to finish reading "Death Match" by Lincoln Child before I started reading the Stieg Larsson book or I know I wouldn't have finished "Death Match." I usually have a couple books going at one time but I really like the Larsson books and know I'll be sucked in. I started reading it yesterday.
Anyway, as I was saying... I'm sucked into the book and I just read something that made me stop and "google" it. After seeing the results I know I'm not alone, a lot of other people did the same thing.
Here's is the passage that stopped me:
"Apart from the fact that you're not really a dyke. You're probably bisexual. But most of all you're sexual-you like sex and you don't care about what gender. You're an entropic chaos factor."
Stop the presses, what the hell is an entropic chaos factor? It sounds like fun to me! Do I need to add this to my sexuality postings? As I said I "googled" it and really did not get a difinative answer. So I guess I have to make up my own answer.
Entropic - entropy - this has way too much math for me. hmm I'm going with a "measure of uncertainty within a random variable."
Chaos - lacking order
Factor - 'who/which acts' Agent a person who acts for another.
So let's see we have random variable, lacking order and an agent. Here's my definition:
A person; in this case a woman who shows up unexpectantly at your doorstep some evening, and rocks your world.
I kinda like that~ sign me up for one of those Entropic chaos factors!
Anyway, as I was saying... I'm sucked into the book and I just read something that made me stop and "google" it. After seeing the results I know I'm not alone, a lot of other people did the same thing.
Here's is the passage that stopped me:
"Apart from the fact that you're not really a dyke. You're probably bisexual. But most of all you're sexual-you like sex and you don't care about what gender. You're an entropic chaos factor."
Stop the presses, what the hell is an entropic chaos factor? It sounds like fun to me! Do I need to add this to my sexuality postings? As I said I "googled" it and really did not get a difinative answer. So I guess I have to make up my own answer.
Entropic - entropy - this has way too much math for me. hmm I'm going with a "measure of uncertainty within a random variable."
Chaos - lacking order
Factor - 'who/which acts' Agent a person who acts for another.
So let's see we have random variable, lacking order and an agent. Here's my definition:
A person; in this case a woman who shows up unexpectantly at your doorstep some evening, and rocks your world.
I kinda like that~ sign me up for one of those Entropic chaos factors!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Life Lessons According to Me #3
As I stated before there is no order to my life lessons; I'm posting them as they enter my head. Today's lesson is one I learned from my Mother and as I was just talking with a friend about it this morning I thought I should make it my next Life Lessons post.
Don't ask a question unless you are sure you want to hear the answer.
This is a lesson I think everyone should learn and learn it at a young age. I can't tell ya how many times someone will ask me a question and then they don't like the answer. They ask, I answer and then they ask again in hopes of getting a different answer.
Some questions should never be asked. When you ask someone a question you need to be prepared to hear something you may not like, you may get your feelings hurt and you may discover something you really don't want to know. It happens most often in relationships with friends lovers, and family members.
Be prepared, do you really want to know the answer to that question???
Monday, March 15, 2010
A Thing of Beauty
You cannot control the world outside, but you can choose what you will bring into yourself. If you do not see anything of value in your life, begin by finding one thing of beauty every day until it becomes a habit. -- Ron Rathbun
I read this quote on a friends facebook status and had to use it as my own. It was exactly what I needed today. My work environment has gotten so stressful, that when I read this quote it was a turning point in my day. I will NOT allow peoples controlling, manipulative, psychotic behavior to ruin my happy day.
I took the long way home from work so I could ride along the river. I went for a walk in my backyard and noticed the tulips and crocus are coming up. And now I'm heading back outside to play with my hounds for a while before I head to the curling club.
I took the long way home from work so I could ride along the river. I went for a walk in my backyard and noticed the tulips and crocus are coming up. And now I'm heading back outside to play with my hounds for a while before I head to the curling club.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Nerves of Steel
2010 Winter Olympics
Canada vs Sweden
Womens Gold Medal
Canada has the hammer, last rock, Cheryl Bernard (skip) needs to take out two rocks in order to win:
She only takes out 1, Sweden wins the Gold!
Canada vs Sweden
Womens Gold Medal
Canada has the hammer, last rock, Cheryl Bernard (skip) needs to take out two rocks in order to win:
She only takes out 1, Sweden wins the Gold!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Pioneer Square and the Underground City
Pioneer Square, the City's birthplace...
Seattle's founders first landed on West Seattle beach and on November 13, 1851 they relocated to the eastern shore of Elliott Bay, now Pioneer Square.



Seattle Underground:


There are subterranean passageways under the city of Seattle. which show the unknown history of the city.








This was a fun filled adventure under the streets of Seattle, I highly recommend taking the Underground tour if you find yourself in Seattle.
Seattle's founders first landed on West Seattle beach and on November 13, 1851 they relocated to the eastern shore of Elliott Bay, now Pioneer Square.
The City grew slowly through the next decade to 3,500 people. On June 6, 1889 a furniture maker left a pot of glue unattended on a stove, igniting a fire that burned Seattle to the ground in hours. Seattle's citizens immediately rebuild; virtually all of Pioneer Square's buildings rose over the following five years. The citizens resolved to fix the chronic plumbing problems by elevating the downtown street a full story. This stranded many first-floor storefronts in subterranean sidewalks, which were later sealed to create the "Underground Seattle" of today.
Seattle Underground:
There are subterranean passageways under the city of Seattle. which show the unknown history of the city.
This was a fun filled adventure under the streets of Seattle, I highly recommend taking the Underground tour if you find yourself in Seattle.
Random Seattle
Welcome to Seattle Washington:
Pike Place Market is a public market overlooking Elliott Bay. It is the countries oldest continuously operating market. It is a place of business for many farmers, craftspeople and merchants.

This way to Pike's Place

Pike Place Market home of the fishmongers

Seriously large lobsters!
Elliott Bay/Puget Sound

Fisherman's: lunch stop on our first day (I don't recommend it)

Owl n Thistle Irish Pub

Seattle Space Needle

Seattle's most famous icon, the Needle soars more than 600 feet and was built for the Worlds Fair of 1962 it's older than me!
Pike Place Market is a public market overlooking Elliott Bay. It is the countries oldest continuously operating market. It is a place of business for many farmers, craftspeople and merchants.
This way to Pike's Place
Pike Place Market home of the fishmongers
Seriously large lobsters!
Elliott Bay/Puget Sound
Fisherman's: lunch stop on our first day (I don't recommend it)
Owl n Thistle Irish Pub
Seattle Space Needle
Seattle's most famous icon, the Needle soars more than 600 feet and was built for the Worlds Fair of 1962 it's older than me!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Men's Gold Medal Curling
Men's Gold Medal Curling
February 27, 2010
Pipers lead the way...

Introductions: Canada vs Norge (Norway)

First rock Norge

First rock Canada

The Pants! This one is for Margeaux

Ahh, now what do we do? How do we get three?

Winning rock thrown by Kevin Martin!

Canada Wins!

Medal Ceremonies


Switzerland wins Bronze!

Norge wins Silver!

Canada wins Gold!

Canadian National Anthem, Oh Canada...






It was great to be a part of the action! Canada went undefeated.
February 27, 2010
Pipers lead the way...
Introductions: Canada vs Norge (Norway)
First rock Norge
First rock Canada
The Pants! This one is for Margeaux
Ahh, now what do we do? How do we get three?
Winning rock thrown by Kevin Martin!
Canada Wins!
Medal Ceremonies
Switzerland wins Bronze!
Norge wins Silver!
Canada wins Gold!
Canadian National Anthem, Oh Canada...
It was great to be a part of the action! Canada went undefeated.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Women's Gold Medal Curling
Sweden vs Canada
February 26, 2010
Piping onto the ice...


First rock for Sweden

first rock for Canada

Tenth end, game is tied, extra end! I love when that happens




Shaking hands after the game

Medal awards and flag ceremony

Bronze medal goes to China!

Silver medal goes to Canada!

Sweden is taking home the Gold once again!

Singing Sweden's National Anthem

the teams walk down the ice




A great game!
Stay tuned I'll be posting the men's gold medal game soon.
February 26, 2010
Piping onto the ice...
First rock for Sweden
first rock for Canada
Tenth end, game is tied, extra end! I love when that happens
Shaking hands after the game
Medal awards and flag ceremony
Bronze medal goes to China!
Silver medal goes to Canada!
Sweden is taking home the Gold once again!
Singing Sweden's National Anthem
the teams walk down the ice
A great game!
Stay tuned I'll be posting the men's gold medal game soon.
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