Monday, January 12, 2009


I think I've finally kicked this nasty cold. I have my voice back, it's still a little froggy in the morning but by the second cup of coffee all is well. We have our big ass 6 month audit coming up on Wednesday and everyone has their undies in a bundle at work. I worked two hours of overtime tonight getting ready for it and will probably work a couple hours OT again tomorrow. I like the extra money and the work is not bad, just checking the inventory to make sure everything is where it's supposed to be.

I went out and shoveled snow tonight, I have not shoveled the last couple times it snowed so I had quite a bit to clear. It was not bad, pretty light snow, it was just really windy. It seemed like every time I threw a shovel of snow it blew back into my face.

I started my winter work-out routine on Saturday; Sunday as always, was my relaxation day and because of the overtime and shoveling I did not workout tonight. Tomorrow I plan to get back at it, I can really tell how lazy I've been. After about an hour on the bike trainer I was getting tired. I found out last winter that if I pop a movie in I can ride for the length of the movie, the more exciting the movie the better the ride. So needless to say they are mostly FX movies. I'm also adding some weight training into my workout. Lord knows I need to work on getting back some of my strength this desk job is killing me.

That's about it, I am so happy to finally be rid of this cold, it REALLY sucked not having a voice.

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