Thursday, March 13, 2008

can't believe it's March

Wow, where is the snow?  I was all geared up for some High School Hockey tournament snow and NOTHING!  Oh well, time to dust off the bike.  The weather was gorgeous today!  I'm heading out tomorrow morning for a good long bike ride.  I have an appointment to get my taxes done at 9 so I plan to wake up early and hit the road.  Mom and I are heading to Macy's to see the Bachman flower display, maybe do lunch in downtown Mpls.  

My curling season is coming to a close.  I have signed up for the Spring league but may change my mind.  This sunny warm weather does not make me want to continue winter sports.  

Started Yoga on Monday, that was really great, I felt fantastic afterwards and the entire week has been better.  I was not able to practice today but will do so tomorrow.  My class is every Monday for the next 8 weeks.  

That's all for now, still trying to figure out how to get some video posted here without having to post it first on youtube.


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