Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Day of the Year

hmmm, need to decide on a New Years Resolution...
I was pretty good at keeping my resolution this year, I did not talk or text on my cell phone while driving. I failed on the post on my blog every day resolution but that's why I amended the resolution.

I adopted a crazy ass Puggle this summer, we're still in the learning stage. He turned two in November, I'm his third owner and he has some "issues." He's coming along and I will take full responsibility for any failure on his part. He is a super smart dog and I believe if I spent more time with him he would really come around. That will be one of my goals for the New Year, get Jake to come when I call his name...every time; not just when I have a carrot.

I was finally able to get my memorial garden planted and expand my vegetable garden. Nearly finished painting my house. I only have one triangle left on the house and the big garage out back to paint. I can't paint the garage until I replace a couple boards so it's going to wait until Spring.

gotta run, more later...